UV Printing Machine Manufacturer

You’re in the right place for UV Printing Machine Manufacturer.By now you already know that, whatever you are looking for, you’re sure to find it on HYUNVAN.we guarantee that it’s here on HYUNVAN.
Each seaming joint is finely handled, and the seam force is strong because it keeps the same even I pull it or tear it. Said one of our customers. .
We aim to provide the highest quality UV Printing Machine Manufacturer.for our long-term customers and we will actively cooperate with our customers to offer effective solutions and cost benefits.
  • How to choose coating and pre-printing liquid?? | HYUNVAN
    How to choose coating and pre-printing liquid?? | HYUNVAN
    UV printing is fast, high-quality, and environmentally friendly than solvent-based. On top of these advantages, the biggest highlight of UV lithography is the diversification of its printing substrates.UV lithographic printing can achieve high-quality printing effects on glass, ceramics, metal, acrylic, and wood that could not be printed before. However, UV ink dries quickly, and glass, ceramic, metal and acrylic and some smooth wood surfaces, UV ink has poor adhesion and is easy to fall off. Therefore, although many manufacturers promote "uncoated" UV printing, in market applications, especially in industrial applications with higher requirements, using flatbed printer coating to help UV ink adhesion is a necessary process.
  • Printhead Epson,Seiko,Ricoh's advantages&options | HYUNVAN
    Printhead Epson,Seiko,Ricoh's advantages&options | HYUNVAN
    For UV printers, Normally there are these types :Epson,Seiko,Ricoh,Toshiba ,Konica ...but today we will fully analyze the mainstream nozzles's advantages&options
Just tell us your requirements, we can do more than you can imagine.

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